The workout type you select determines how the workout is displayed to your clients. There are 4 different workout modes:
- Regular
- Circuit
- Interval
- Video
Regular Workout
Regular workouts allow you to build a workout that has a series of exercises which need to be completed. When a client does an exercise, he/she will need to complete a set. For example, you may want a client to perform a bench press, a lat pull down and bicep curls in a workout, and with each exercise, you may want them to perform 3 sets. You can build such a workout, as a regular workout. The workout will show each set of exercises, for the client to complete.
Once you're building the workout, add in exercises, and make sure to enter in the number of sets you want for each exercise. Also, you can group exercises in supersets or circuit rounds. Finally, once you enter in your rep and weight targets, hit 'save'.
Circuit Workout
A Circuit workout allows you to build a workout that has "rounds" of grouped exercises. For example, you may want a client to perform a bench press, a lat pull down and then ride the bike for 3 min. Then you want your client to repeat this series 3 times consecutively. You can build such a workout, as a circuit workout. The workout will show each round separately when pulled up for tracking on the web, or Smartphone.
Once you're building the workout, add in exercises, and make sure to choose how many rounds you want in this circuit.
Interval Workout
An Interval workout allows you to build and deliver one continuous interval workout with multiple exercises to be completed with guidance from the app.
Common use cases for using Interval Workouts are :
- timed sequence of warm-ups or stretches
- interval, HIIT, Tabata or Met-con Heart rate intervals
Interval workouts can be built with any Trainerize exercise videos or custom exercise videos. Both clients and trainers have the ability to track the total reps for each exercise in the interval workout once the workout has been completed.
Exercises tagged as unilateral, ipsilateral, and contralateral will be split into left and right exercises when building an interval workout.
The Interval workout also has Voice-Over. The voice-over feature will announce the names of the workouts and the time left on the clock so that your clients no longer have to keep looking at their mobile app to follow the interval workout. There will also be additional audio cue voice-overs to accompany the exercise to motivate the client.
When you're building the workout, the duration of the workout will be displayed so you can plan for the length of the workout.
Video Workout
Video workouts are the perfect solution when you want to deliver a full workout or video class, (such as a full fitness class, Tabata workout, yoga session, or HIIT workout) allowing your clients to follow-along by seeing you and your instructions simultaneously.
As oposed to the other types that allow you to combine shorter exercises to create a longer workout, video workouts allow you to upload full classes or follow-along video workouts, of up to 60 minutes to the Trainerize app.
Video workouts can be added to a client's program or master program, just like all the other workouts.