Learn how to schedule activities into your client's calendar with ease!
What's in this article:
Schedule activities into your client's calendar
You can schedule activities on multiple days at once, repeat activities, and schedule different types of activities at the same time with just a few clicks!
- Navigate to your client's calendar by selecting a client > opening their client card > hitting the blue OPEN button.
- On your client's profile, select the Calendar Tab > Hit the blue SCHEDULE button >
- Select the activity type(s) you would like to schedule from the listed options > Select the date > Select repeat options (if you would like to schedule an activity that is reoccurring) >
- Note: Each type of activity may require some setup before scheduling. (EX: To schedule a workout, you will need to either create a WOD (workout of the day) OR import a workout from the master workout library / your client's training program.)
After setting up your activity > Hit the blue ADD button. (See next section for individual activity setup)
Activity Types:
Select a workout from a current training program, or your client's program, or build a new WOD (workout of the day) > Hit ADD to schedule (or continue adding additional activity types).
Select a workout from a current training program, or your client's program, or build a new WOD (workout of the day) > Hit ADD to schedule (or continue adding additional activity types).
- Select a cardio activity from the drop-down> Set a target > Hit ADD to schedule (or continue adding additional activity types).
- Select a cardio activity from the drop-down> Set a target > Hit ADD to schedule (or continue adding additional activity types).
Body Stats:
- No additional setup required > Hit the blue ADD button (or continue adding additional activity types)
- No additional setup required > Hit the blue ADD button (or continue adding additional activity types)
- No additional setup required > Hit the blue ADD button (no additional setup required)
- No additional setup required > Hit the blue ADD button (no additional setup required)
Auto Messages:
- The auto-message tab will prompt you to create/write your desired auto-message.
- Enter the name of this message sequence (only visible to trainers) > Type out your auto-message > Set the time you would like the message to be sent > Hit the blue ADD button > Hit SCHEDULE to add to the calendar.
- The auto-message tab will prompt you to create/write your desired auto-message.
Related Articles:
- How to Create a Workout
- Managing client calendar visibility (individual and company-wide)
- How to Schedule Group Appointments/Classes