What are On-demand Programs?
You can think of On-Demand Programs like a Master Program with no phases or a pre-built calendar. On-demand programs allow your clients to access a set number of workouts and add them to their calendar or complete them whenever they'd like!
How do I build an On-demand Program?
Step 1: Navigate to Master Libraries
- Navigate to your Master Libraries > Programs section
- Click New > Build New to build a new Master Program.
Step 2: Create an On-Demand Program
- In the new pop-up box, click "On-demand library"
- Enter a title for the program.
- Select where you want to save the program (either Shared Master Programs or Personal Master Programs folder).
- Click Save to save the program.
Step 3: Add Workouts to the On-Demand Program
- Find your new On-Demand Master Program in the respective folder you've saved it to.
- Click the On-demand Workouts section below the name of the Program.
- Begin creating new workouts or importing them from another program or from your Master Workouts Library:
- Click New to build a workout from scratch.
- Click Import to import a pre-built workout from another orogram or your Master Workouts Library.
Step 4: Subscribe Clients to the Program
- Once you've created or imported workouts into your On-demand Program, you can start subscribing clients to the program!
- To do so, click Summary & Subscribers and then hit, Add Subscribers.
Please note: you can add a description to your On Demand program under the Description section. The description is only visible to trainers. Clients will not be able to view the program description on their end.
What Does it Look Like for a Client?
When a client is subscribed to an On-demand Master Program, they can view the selection of workouts from their Programs Page (Kettlebell Icon) on their mobile app. Once they click the 'Kettle Bell' icon, they can select and begin any of the on-demand workouts listed.
Alternatively, clients can also click the Plus Icon in the bottom right corner of the app to add a workout from their program(s) to their calendar.
When doing so, clients will be prompted to select the Training Program and the workout that they wish to add to their calendar:
Once added, it will give the client the option to Start Now to begin the workout:
Additional FAQ:
Q: Can an On-demand Program be a client's Main Program?
A: Yes. Clients can be subscribed to On-demand programs as either a Main or an Add-on program.
Q: Can a client be subscribed to more than one On-demand Program at a time?
A: Yes. Clients can be subscribed to one Main Program and up to additional 100 add-on programs at a time. These programs can be either On-demand or Phased Programs.
Q: Can an On-demand Program be copied to a client's Custom Program?
A: No. Only Phased Program types can be copied to clients' Custom Programs. If you are unsure of when to use a Custom or Master Program, please view our article on the topic here.
Q: I'd like to learn more about creating Phased Programs; where can I find this information?
A: We have a great article that goes over in detail how to create Phased Program types here.
If you have any additional questions about On-demand Programs or any other feature, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at help@trainerize.com.
Related Articles
- How Do I Subscribe a Client to a Program?
- When to use a Master Program or a Client's Custom Program?
- About Master Programs
- How do I move a Workout built in a Program to the "Master Workouts" section?