How are programs labelled in a clients profile? (Main, Add-on, Client's Personal)

The first step to creating a Program is deciding on the type of Program you want to build (phased or on-demand).

Next, when you assign a program to a client, there are three types of labels the program will have: Main Program, client's Personal Phased Program and/or Add-on Program.


Main Program:

  • A Main Program is a client's primary program. This is the program that your client is mostly focusing on.
  • A client's Main Program is always displayed at the top of their training program section and is marked by the word "Main" underneath their program name. All other assigned programs will fall underneath the Main Program.
  • Main Programs can either be phased (Custom Phased or a subscription to a phased Master Program) or an On-Demand Master program.
  • A client can only have one (1) Main Program at a time. 


Client's Personal Phased Program:

  • A client's Personal Phased Program is a custom program that is made up of back-to-back training phases. Combining multiple training phases into a program allows a client to grow and progress through different stages of their program. A Personal Phased Program can have varying amounts and lengths of training phases and each phase can differ in content. 
  • A client's Personal Phased Program is marked with their name in front of the program name within their client calendar/on the Training tab in their client profile.
  • If the client does not already have a Main Program, then the Personal Phased Program will automatically fall under the Main Program. 
  • A client can only have one (1) Personal Phased Program at a time.


Add-On Program:

  • In contrast to Main and Personal Phased Programs, Add-on Programs are most often used to provide additional services and programs to a client. They can be stacked on top of a client's Custom Phased Program and/or Main Program. 
  • These programs can consist of both Phased and On-Demand Program types. Add-On Programs are marked with the "🔗" (link) symbol.



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