Create a meal plan using the Smart Meal Planner


Create a meal plan through our Smart Meal Planner and share valuable nutrition or wellness information to supplement your client's training!


Watch the video below to learn how to build your smart meal plan and what it looks like on the client's end. Access the Smart Meal Planner with the Advanced Nutrition Coaching add-on.  



1. Once you've opened your client's profile in a new tab, select Meal Plan from the menu on the left.




2. On this page, you will notice you have two options. Be sure to select "Create a smart meal plan".




3. Next, you will be prompted to fill out some information pertaining to the meal plan. 

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Once you're done, click confirm, and you will see the populated meal plan. 



On the client's end, they can view the smart meal plan from their meal plan tab on the mobile app.

They can scroll through the meals by day as well as click on a meal to see the serving information as well as ingredients and cooking instructions! 

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