Whether you're delivering daily workouts for groups or allowing clients to select additional workout sessions, WODs make it easier to keep your clients engaged and motivated!
This article will cover what WODs are, how they work, and how to set them up for your clients.
What are WODS?
Workout of the Day (WOD) refers to a pre-designed workout that can be shared with clients.
Key benefits of using WODS:
- Adds variety and flexibility to training schedules with new challenges.
- Encourages group participation with shared workouts.
- Enhances client engagement with daily challenges.
What are the Types of WODS?
There are two types of WODs, or Workout of the Days, in ABC Trainerize. Both types of WODs act as "one-off" workouts, separate from those in a client's programs. This means that WODs will not be added to a client's program once created and/or completed.
Group WODS:
- Group WODs are workouts posted to a group that allows clients in the group to only complete the workout once.
- WODs in groups can be any type of workout, including regular, circuit, interval, and video.
- For more information on Group WOD's, visit: How to post a Workout of the Day (WOD) to a group
Program WODs:
- Program WODs are created from a Master Program calendar or a client's calendar.
- WODs in programs can only be regular, circuit, or interval workouts. Program WODs cannot be video workouts.
How to Create a Program WOD
Program WODs are created from a Master Program calendar, or scheduled on a client's calendar directly.
To create a program WOD:
1. Navigate to the Master Program or Clients calendar and select any day on the calendar.
2. From the pop-up menu, select Workout.
3. Under the Add Activity, menu, select Build New WOD.
4. You can choose to build a WOD from scratch, add a WOD from your Master Workout or Master Program library, or import from a client's program.
5. Before adding the workout to the program calendar, you can set up repeat options. This will repeatedly schedule the WOD on the calendar.
6. Once finished, click Add to schedule the WOD onto the calendar.
How Does a Client Complete a WOD?
Clients complete a Workout of the Day just like any other workout. The key difference is that WODs are standalone workouts and don't appear in the client's program or training phases- they exist solely on the calendar as one-off sessions.
Can Clients Add Their Own WOD?
Yes! Clients can add their own Workout of the Days if your permission settings allow for it. To check, navigate to the Settings > Permissions section of your ABC Trainerize web account. From there, scroll down to the 'Other' section as shown below, and ensure the option to allow clients to build a WOD is checked:
When enabled, clients will have the option to "Build WOD" under the Plus icon > workout section of their mobile app: