As an account owner/admin, you can easily control the visibility of content within your account. This includes the Trainerize Exercise Library, Workout Library, Program Library, Habit Library, and the Trainerize Meal library. You can tailor which content is visible within your business, ensuring that clients only access the content you choose.
Where can I find the Trainerize Content Permissions?
On your ABC Trainerize web account, navigate to the Settings > Permissions tab. From there, scroll down to 'Trainerize Content Permissions':
Important Notes Before Adjusting Permissions
By default, all of the Trainerize content libraries are turned on. You have the ability to toggle off any of the above options. With that said, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind before making changes:
- Disabling the Trainerize Exercise Library will remove all Trainerize exercise videos within any of your existing workouts. You will need to manually replace them with your own custom exercises.
- Disabling the Trainerize Exercise Library will also disable the Trainerize Program and Workout Libraries as they are built with the default exercises.
- Disabling the Trainerize Workout Library will remove all Trainerize workouts within any of your existing programs. You will need to manually replace them with your own workouts.
- Disabling the Trainerize Program Library will hide all Trainerize pre-built Programs in your account. Ensure you are not utilizing any Trainerize pre-built programs for your clients as they will be hidden.
- Disabling the Trainerize Habit Library will remove all Trainerize Habits assigned to clients in your account.
- Disabling the 'Show only Trainerize meals by default in the swap meal dialog' allows you to swap your own custom meals within the Smart Meal Planner. For more information on this, please visit Swap Custom Meals in the Smart Meal Planner.