1. Click "Master Workouts" from the left-hand menu to go to your Master Workout Library and select the "New Workout" button.
2. In the pop-up dialogue, name your workout, select Interval and click Start Building.
3. Drag and drop exercises from the right to the left to create the workout list like you normally would. Exercises tagged as unilateral, ipsilateral, and contralateral will be split into left and right exercises within your interval workout. You can then set the duration of each of the exercises and specify the number of reps.
Then click "Save" at the top right of the Workout Builder to save your Interval Workout.
What do your clients see?
When a client performs an interval workout, their phone will display each exercise one after another, with a countdown timer indicating the transition to the next exercise. The videos will automatically play and loop for the duration of the exercise, making it easier to follow along.
Please note that Youtube exercise videos will not auto-play or loop. Only exercises from the Trainerize library and custom exercises uploaded via the Trainerize Video Drive have this functionality. For custom Youtube exercises, clients can pause the workout if they need to watch the video.
The Interval workout also speaks the upcoming exercise aloud (using the voice feature on the phone), so if your client is familiar with the movement, they don't even have to look at their phone. There will also be additional audio cue voice-overs to accompany the exercise to motivate the client.
They can pause the entire workout any time if needed and after the workout, they can track their reps so you can see how they did!
Lastly, clients can run the interval workout in the background and the audio cues and timer will continue running.