Products are the unique fitness (and nutrition) services you want to sell. You can build as many as you like and all of them can be managed from the Products page in Payments. There are basic details you must complete in order to create a product with the option to add powerful automation actions to help you save time.
In this article:
Step 1: Create a Product
In Payments, go to the Products page.
Click the +ADD PRODUCT button the Products Grid toolbar.
In the dialog pop-up, start building a product by adding a unique name and a detailed description. This will be visible to potential clients and will help them understand what’s included in the product. You can also add a product image to better market your services and entice potential clients. The ideal image size for products is 800 x 800 pixels.
- Determine what type of product you would like to build: a Main Product, Add-on or Session Pack. Learn more about session packs here.
Depending on how you would like to charge for your training services, you can choose from three payment methods (see the Recurring vs. One-time Upfront table below for their differences):
- One-time upfront
- Recurring (e.g. $100 per month until client cancels) OR Recurring with an end-date (e.g. $100/month for a total of 4 months
Free (no credit card required). Learn more here.
One-time Upfront
First Payment Date
On the start date of the product (the beginning of the first billing period)
When the product is sold to the client
Billing Period
Can have a recurring billing period in days, weeks, or months. Payment is collected at the beginning of each billing period
Product Duration
Renews until canceled by the trainer or can have a set duration with an end date
A set duration of in days, weeks, or months
Note: Once a product has been created, the payment type cannot be changed.
- For products that clients will self-purchase, you can choose between three different options:
- Day of purchase/After current: Use this option if you do not need your product and programs to start at the same time. This starts the product immediately. You can then build a custom program, or turn on automation to auto-deliver programs along with other options.
- Next Monday: This option would sync up the start date of your product and program so they always start at same time together.
- Fixed start date: Use this option with Bootcamp, challenges, group training, or other services where multiple clients need to start on the same date.
For more information on the product start date for manual sales vs client self-purchased products, visit: What Determines the Start Date for a Client's Product?
- Next, decide if you want to sell the product on Listing your product will allow prospective clients to find and instantly buy your services.
- Second, decide if you want to turn on self-cancellation. This will allow clients to cancel this product themselves at any time. (Note: this is only applicable for recurring products.)
- Lastly, choose whether or not this product is available to new clients only. This is useful if you are running a campaign when you are only wanting to recruit brand new clients that you are not already training with an incentivized product. Learn more here.
Step 2: Setup Automation
Thanks to powerful built-in automation, you can set up a series of actions that you want to happen automatically when a client purchases a product, when that product starts and when it ends! Learn more below or watch a quick recap of all of the automation options here:
On purchase of first product for new clients:
These actions will trigger immediately when a new client purchases a product for the first time from your page. This is useful for when the purchase date may not be the same as the product start date (e.g. pre-sales for a New Year's bootcamp). Use these actions to build a pre-start experience:
Change client type
- Offline
- Full Access
- Full Access/1 way
- Assign to a trainer
- Subscribe main program
- Copy to client's custom program
- Attach meal plan PDF
- Join a group (up to 3)
On product start date for all clients:
These actions will trigger on the client's product start date. This is useful for automating the delivery of programs and training groups, as well as spreading the client workload across multiple trainers automatically. Choose from the following actions:
Change client type
- Offline
- Full Access
- Full Access/1 way
- Assign to a trainer
- Subscribe main program
- Copy to client's custom program
- Attach meal plan PDF
- Join a group (up to 3)
Note: The result of these automated actions are not tied to the purchased product. If you remove the product from the client after the actions have run, the automated actions will not be undone (e.g. the client will not be unsubscribed from the program).
When the Product ends:
- Change client type
- Unsubscribe from main program
- Remove from groups
- Remove meal plan PDF
Automation Overlap
If you've defined actions for both purchase date automation and product start date automation, you may be wondering what will happen when someone purchases a product that starts on the same day? The two forms of automation are combined and wherever there's a conflict, the product start date automation takes precedence.
Purchase Date Automation:
- Assign client to Trainer Dave.
- Subscribe client to prep program "Basic Training".
- Add client to non-training group "Beginners".
Product Start Date Automation:
- Assign client to Trainer Jane.
- Subscribe client to program "30-Day Strength Challenge".
Automation End Result:
- Assign client to Trainer Jane.
- Subscribe client to program "30-Day Strength Challenge".
- Add client to non-training group "Beginners".
Since actions (1) and (2) conflicted between purchase date automation and product start date automation, the automation actions from the latter group took precedence. Since action (3) did not conflict with anything, it was kept.