How does a client track a habit?


Any prescribed habit will appear on a client's "Things to do today" section on their Dash, or their Calendar for the prescribed days.

In the screenshot below, the client is on their Dashboard tab. Clients simply tap on the habit to open and then tap Complete when they want to mark it as done:

Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 3.30.36 PM.png

In the screenshot below, the client is completing the habit from their Calendar tab:



Tracking habits with the mobile app and Apple Watch app

With habits, repetition and ease of tracking are key to ensuring a client forms a new habit. It is critical that clients track habits on the spot, as soon as they complete them. As such, habit tracking is available to clients via the mobile app and the Apple Watch app. 


Starting a winning streak

A winning streak (or “streak” for short) is when a client completes a scheduled habit for 2 or more days in a row. To count toward a streak, a habit must be marked as completed by noon on the day after it was scheduled. Clients can create winning streaks for each habit assigned to them and add them to their calendars.


Milestones and Achievement Badges

As their streak continues to grow, clients will receive special badges at various milestones. When they hit a milestone, immediately after marking a habit as completed, clients will see a summary screen awarding them with a badge with a special congratulatory message and information about the next milestone they’re aiming for.


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