Company-wide compliance provides key insights into client engagement and activist trends, right from the overview page. This feature is accessible only to Owners and Admins.
Each graph shows weekly averages from Monday to Sunday. The number displayed in the top right corner of each graph displays the weekly average of the previous week (Monday to Sunday).
Business Growth (Past 12 Months)
- A snapshot of active client numbers over the past 12 months.
Average Client Sign-ins Per Week
- A measure of how 'sticky' clients are with the mobile app.
- We recommend pre-scheduling workouts and/or messages to trigger in-app reminders. Clients can easily move their workouts to another day.
- Calculated by total number of sign-ins by all active clients/total number of active clients.
Average Workouts Per Week
- Another great way of looking at exercise engagement and motivation.
- If clients have the ability to self-schedule workouts, this captures those additional workouts not captured by the workout compliance score.
- Calculated by Total number of workouts and cardio events completed by all active clients/total number of active clients
Average Exercise Compliance
- A percentage completion score of the workouts or cardio activities scheduled by a trainer, vs their completion rate by the client.
- For last week, if a trainer scheduled 4 workouts, and the client completed 2, the last week’s score is 50%.
- Calculated by the sum of all active clients’ compliance score/total number of active clients that have an active training phase with workouts scheduled in the calendar by the trainer
- Exercise compliance is calculated only if clients have an active training phase with scheduled workouts by the trainer in their calendar.
Average Nutrition Compliance
- A percentage completion score of the daily nutrition goal achieved by the client.
- Calculated by the sum of all active clients’ compliance score/total number of active clients that have a nutrition goal set up.
- Nutrition compliance is only calculated if clients have a nutrition goal with active tracking via MyFitnessPal, Fitbit, or the in-app tracker.
Learn more about individual client compliance here.