Why Don't My Clients Macronutrient Totals Match Their Calorie Count?

If you have noticed a discrepancy between your client's calculated calories and macronutrient totals within the ABC Trainerize in-app meal tracker, there are a few reasons this can happen. Understanding these nuances can help more accurately track client nutrition within the app.

Fiber and sugar alcohols contribute to the total carbohydrate intake, which can result in calorie discrepancies within the in-app tracker. Some food items within the meal tracker account for net carbs, which exclude certain types of fiber and sugar alcohols. This can lead to the caloric total that may be lower than expected when compared to total carbs.

To improve accuracy, we introduced USDA-verified foods in the meal tracker, indicated by a blue checkmark. These verified items help clients track and measure their food intake with greater precision. 

Macronutrient calculations in the app are also rounded to the nearest gram. This rounding up or down can result in slight variations in the total calorie count, as the exact decimal values are not displayed. While this difference is usually minimal, it can create a small variance in the overall caloric total.


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