Generate Grocery Shopping Lists with the Smart Meal Planner

What's in this article? 


This client-side feature can be accessed on the mobile app to generate grocery shopping lists based on their smart meal plan. 

In this article we'll show you how your clients can generate, refresh, and use their grocery shopping lists to shop for their smart meals! 



How to video: 


How to generate a grocery shopping list (client view on mobile): 

  • Navigate to your meal plan (select the Fork and Knife icon on the bottom of your screen) > 
  • Select the Grocery Basket icon > Select the Number of People (Ex: 1 [only for myself]) > Select the Days or Individual Meals to Include > Hit the Generate button > View your smart meal plan grocery shopping list! 

     Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 10.15.28 AM.png   Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 10.15.43 AM.png.  Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 10.28.37 AM.png


Check off items and/or refresh your grocery shopping list (client view on mobile) 

  • Check off items on your grocery shopping list by selecting the round tick box next to each item. (see image below) 

  • De-select items or uncheck the tick box by tapping the same item a second time OR de-select all items by hitting the blue Uncheck all option. (see image below) 

  • To refresh the list/change the number of people you are shopping for:
    • hit the blue REFRESH option located at the top of the screen.

      Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 10.32.41 AM.png

How to sort food items using filters

  • Easily sort food items in your grocery list using the Filter icon in the top right-hand corner. You can filter 'By Name' or 'By Category':

Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 10.16.03 AM.png    Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 10.16.19 AM.png

What happens if clients try to access this feature from the web (desktop app): 

  • The grocery shopping list generator is a mobile-only feature designed for on-the-go shopping.

    Grocery list_CLIENT_19.jpg



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