What is Zapier?
Zapier lets you easily connect Trainerize to the web apps you use most often, making it easy to automate tedious tasks. It allows you to create automated tasks between the same, or different apps. With Zapier, you can connect apps to Trainerize by creating automatic actions called Zaps.
Why Zapier?
Zapier does the work for you. Once you've created a Zap, Zapier will run it for you automatically without any additional effort on your part.
If you login to your Zapier account, you can monitor the activity of your Zaps from your Zapier dashboard. From the dashboard, you can also manage your connected accounts and turn Zaps on or off anytime you want.
Zapier will also help you save time and money! With Zapier taking care of repetitive tasks, you can focus on the exciting business challenges that need your attention.
- Login to your Trainerize web account
- Click on "Add-Ons" in the bottom left hand corner
- From underneath Add-ons click on "Zapier App Automation"
Trainerize provides support for the use of the Shared Zaps. Any other connections made with Zapier will be supported by Zapier's help team.