Keeping track of exercise progress is an important part of keeping clients motivated, celebrating accomplishments and identifying areas for improvement.
Workout stats can be tracked by clients themselves, or trainers can track stats for their clients as they train the clients in person.
Allowing clients to track stats themselves
Once you send a workout to their training phase, let your client know that they can now access their workout from their mobile device from the app.
Tracking Workouts:
^ Select START NOW ^ Enter Stats and tap Done
They can then start the workout, and simply follow the exercises displayed to them, and enter in the stats as they workout. Then when the workout is ended, the stats are automatically synced to the website, so you can monitor their progress.
(Clients can also print out hard copies of workouts to take to the gym as well if they prefer. They can write their stats into the table on the printed tracking sheet, and once they are back at a computer, they can enter in their stats on the workout calendar. *Note stats don't have to be entered, it is just an option.)
Tracking Cardio:
^ Select START NOW. Either let the activity play while you're completing it, or press the Stop button to enter your stats.
^ Tap End Activity ^ Enter Stats and tap Save
Tracking stats for your clients

Milestone badges
These achievements will be unlocked when completing specific milestones in the app. As clients complete more and more workouts, they will unlock a new badge! You can easily check on them in the timeline, notification area or client dashboard. Learn more here.