Frequently asked questions regarding the payment gateway changing to Stripe

As we're moving away from our own built-in payment gateway that was powered by Stripe and allowing you to connect to Stripe directly for an even more powerful payment experience, we know you may have some questions. 

Take a look below for the most frequently asked questions to better understand how the change will impact your business. Do not hesitate to contact our support team if your question has not been covered within this article. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will recurring subscriptions be canceled when I switch to a Stripe account?

A: No, recurring payments will continue on your Trainrize Pay account and once your Stripe account has been connected and verified, recurring payments will continue on. 


Q: Do I need to create new products or discounts?

A: No, you do not need to create new products or discounts. All previous products and discounts will remain the same and new clients can purchase and use discounts that were created before the switch to Stripe.


Q: Will my payout schedule be interrupted?

A: The payout schedule should not be interrupted. Your Trainerize Pay account will remain connected until your Stripe account is fully connected. For example, if your Stripe account is paused due to pending approval r your onboarding is not complete, your Trainerize account will continue to be connected and receive payouts. Once your Stripe account is connected and verified, you will continue to receive payouts as scheduled, uninterrupted to the bank account you added when creating and connecting your Stripe account.


Q: Will you delete my previous transaction history?

A: No, previous transactions will remain under the Payments > Transactions tab. Previous transactions that occurred when Trainerize Pay was set up can be filtered with a new filter under "Account Type" and trainers can select either Trainerize Pay or Stripe.


Q: What will happen when the dispute occurs on one of the older transactions?

A: The owner of the account will be able to respond to the dispute and submit evidence in the ABC Trainerize web account under the Disputes tab. The trainer will be notified about the result of the dispute through the notification.


Q: How can I switch Stripe accounts or use another existing Stripe account with ABC Trainerize?

A: If you want to connect your existing Stripe account to ABC Trainerize:

  • Click on the SIGN UP AND CONNECT button on the setup page
  • Type the email and password you use in your existing Stripe account


Q: Can I switch currency with the new setup? (General current matching country questions)

A: No, you cannot switch currency with the new setup. The currency that was chosen with your initial Trainerize Pay setup must be the same as the one chosen in the new Stripe setup. If a different currency is selected during the Stripe setup process, you will receive a notification to resolve this discrepancy and your Stripe account will be paused. You will still be able to use your Trainerize Pay account until it is resolved.


Q: Can I switch countries?

A: No, you cannot switch countries with the new setup. The country that was chosen with your initial Trainerize Pay setup must be the same as the one chosen in the new Stripe setup process. If a different country is selected during the Stripe setup process, you will receive a notification to resolve this discrepancy and your Stripe account will be paused. You will still be able to use your Trainerize Pay account until it is resolved.


Q: Will I lose any previous data/payment history/invoices, etc?

A: No, you will not lose any previous data/payment history/invoices. All previous information can be found in the Payments tab section and can now be filtered by Account type.


Q: How long will payouts take with the new migration?

A: Since it will be your first payout on the next Stripe account, please follow Stripe's support article about this here: Stripe payout article.


Q: How do I contact Stripe Support?

A: You can contact Stripe Support by visiting their support page at: 


Q: Can I now manually attempt to collect a failed client invoice?

A: There is no way to manually collect a failed invoice. After the invoice has been tried 3 times in our system- which happens automatically- it will fail.


Q: If a business adds a pre-existing Stripe account to ABC Trainerize, will all the transactions be on the same page/view?

A: No, you will see the additional dashboard under your Stripe account in the top left corner, as it is a separate account.


Q: Questions related to fees and pricing (per transaction fees, etc).

A: Any changes to pricing and fees can be found on the Stripe page. You can look up your country's policies and fees there.


Q: Will my current Trainerize Pay data transfer if I want to attach a pre-existing Stripe account I already have?

A: No, we will not transfer any of the ABC Trainerize transaction data to your new Stripe account. It will remain in Trainerize.  


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This article was last updated on

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