Once your Apple Developer Account has been created and processed, the next step is to add our team as Admin on your account. This allows us to manage the app submission process on your behalf.
If you do not have an Apple Developer Account yet, please follow the steps outlined here.
What Email Address Do I Use?
Use the email address provided to you by our Custom Branded App team as the Admin email. This email would have been shared with you in the instruction deck that you received at the start of this process.
Steps to Add Us to Your Apple Developer Account
- Log in to App Store Connect with your business's Apple ID and password.
- Select Users and Access.
- At the top left, click the + button next to "Users."
- Fill out an "add new user" form.
- Enter the following details under the New User section:
- First name: Trainerize
- Last name: App
- Email: Use the email address provided to you by our team
- Enter the following details under the New User section:
- Go to the Roles section. Select Admin.
- Click Invite at the bottom.
Please note that only Account Holders can add new Admin users to the account.
Completing the Submission Form
Once we have accepted the user Admin invitation, please proceed to complete the submission form provided. This form will require you to include the API Key, which is essential for us to continue with the app development process.
Related Articles:
- Studio/Enterprise Custom Branded App: Apple API Key
- Studio/Enterprise Custom Branded App: Frequently Asked Questions
- Studio/Enterprise Custom Branded App: Required Assets