As a Studio and Enterprise customer, if you have your own Google Developer account, you will need to generate a JSON file for us. This allows us to build and maintain your app.
Please note: this is NOT a required step and only to be actioned as instructed by the CBA Team.
Generating the JSON file
As the account holder, follow the steps below:
- Log in to Google Cloud Console
- Click on Dashboard
- On the top left corner, click on the navigation button (three lines)
- Scroll down to IAM and Admin, then select Service Accounts
- On the top of the page, click on +CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT
- In the Service Account Name box, type your app name
- Click on the CREATE AND CONTINUE box
- Under the Select a Role box, type in Service Account User
- Click Continue
- Add as the service account user in both boxes
- Click on Done
- Back on the Service Account page, go to the account you just created, under the Action box, click on the 3 dots
- Select Manage Keys
- Click on Add Key > Create New Key
- Key Type is JSON file, and click on CREATE
- The file will appear in your downloads, send this file to the CBA Team