In case you missed it, Trainerize has launched some exciting new video features, including on-demand video workouts and live 1-1 video calls sessions. We’ve seen how COVID-19 has pushed a quick shift to video for personal training, and we also know that trainers are missing having face time with clients. So, new video features are here!
We want these new features to be as useful as possible for you and your clients, so we’ve been busy developing some how-to guides, including:
- A step-by-step guide to setting up 1-1 video call sessions in Trainerize
- How to charge for your 1-1 video call sessions
- How to market your 1-1 video call sessions
- How to include video call sessions in your client programs
In this article, we’re going to talk about how to successfully execute a 1-1 video call session in Trainerize… what to consider, how to plan, and how to make it as professional and useful as possible.
The following tips are meant to help you develop effective, impactful 1-1 video call sessions… but they can apply to any live video content (hello, Facebook Live and Instagram Live!).
How to strategize your 1-1 video call sessions
Plan it out
Like you would for any client meeting, training session, or fitness class, plan out your video call session beforehand. This means identifying the goal of the video call and establishing an agenda with time estimates included so you don’t run out of time or go overtime. Be sure to leave time in your plan for questions and feedback!
If your video call is a training session, you’ll want to have the training plan built out where you can access it, either in Trainerize (which may require a second device) or on a notepad or whiteboard. You may find it helpful to place a whiteboard beside the camera so you can glance at the training plan at any time without losing eye contact with your clients.
If your video call is a check-in, nutrition consult, or habit coaching session, consider what you want to cover and what the takeaway from the session will be. Make sure to leave time for a bit of chit-chat in your agenda if you haven’t seen your client in awhile—this is inevitable!
Book it in
Schedule in your live video workouts and 1-1 video call sessions like you would any other session in Trainerize. Set up a reminder, either by email, calendar invites, or via Trainerize to remind your client of the date and time. In the reminder, remember to establish necessary equipment and anything else they should know about the call.
How to produce effective 1-1 video call sessions
Establish your video location and framing
Consider where in your home or office is best-suited to conducting videos. Here are a few considerations to keep in mind:
- Is it quiet?
- Are there any possible interruptions? Can you prevent them?
- Tidy?
- Is it minimal enough to prevent distractions?
- Is your wifi strong?
- Do you have natural lighting, or an effective substitute for natural lighting?
- Is your framing acceptable? Can your client see your full body (if leading a workout)?
Remember, your clients are paying for your time so you want to provide them with focused attention for the full call.
Set up your tech
Establish whether you’ll be hosting your video call through desktop or the mobile app. Then, build your video setup from there.
Identify what additional devices you need: bluetooth headphones? An external webcam? A tripod? A stable, raised surface for your laptop? Speakers for music? How many devices?
Then, test your system, either with a friend or a trusted client to make sure both you and the technology are good to go.
Pro tip: if you’re planning on playing music during the session, make sure your speaker is removed from the microphone you’re using to speak. That way, it’ll be background noise, rather than drowning out your voice.
#TZTIP: For more details on how to choose your video equipment, set up your space, or manage your video audio, check out our “Everything You Need to Know Guide” to Filming Live and On-demand Video Workouts
How to host professional 1-1 video call sessions
Show up early
No matter how much testing you do, it always seems like something goes wrong on the first few live sessions. Try to avoid too much of a disaster by logging in early and being prepared for your client’s arrival.
Implement and communicate structure
To start, include an introduction where you lay out what your client should expect. You could even include this in the video description in the app so they have it in advance! Tell them the basics of what’s coming, including:
- How long the workout will take
- What the format will be
- What equipment they’ll need
- If there’s jumping or floorwork
- If they should expect a cool-down and stretch afterwards
It’s also a great time to remind them to grab a water bottle to stay hydrated.
Be vocal
Same goes for being verbal! Silence can be awkward, so especially for 1-1 calls, be sure to keep your support and guidance verbal throughout the workout. In the gym, there’s background noise, but here, it’s all you! (And maybe a killer playlist in the background.) Count those reps, critique that form, and make sure your client feels supported.
Use an audible timer
If you’re doing timed circuits, set a timer on a second device with an audible alarm and let your client know that you’ve set it. This will help with motivation and will prevent confusion about how much longer.
Make moves
In live video sessions, solidarity will make a big impact on your client’s experience. If you’re leading a workout, consider joining your client in the movements. Your energy will be contagious, and will help motivate them to push as hard as they would in an in-person session!
So that’s your guide to a strategic, effective, and professional 1-1 video call session with your clients! Learn more about our video features with our all new on-demand video guide.
Related Articles
- Step-by-step guide to setting up a video call session in Trainerize
- How to charge for your 1-1 video call sessions
- How to market your 1-1 video call sessions
- How to include video call sessions in your clients' programs
- Tips for running killer live video sessions