Check-in forms are an easy way for fitness coaches and gym businesses to stay connected with their clients and track their ongoing progress. Clients typically fill out these forms regularly (weekly or bi-weekly) to provide updates on how they are feeling, what they've been working on, and progress on their goals.
Here is what a check-in form typically covers:
- Progress Updates: How are workouts, nutrition, and/or habits going? (Possibly on a scale of 1-10)
- Well-being Check: How is the client feeling physically (energy, soreness) or mentally (motivation, stress)?
- Goals & Adjustments: Are they on track or do they need adjustments to stay aligned with their goals?
- Challenges: What obstacles are they facing, whether in workouts, nutrition or consistency?
- Feedback: Are they enjoying their program or are there areas for improvement?
While ABC Trainerize does not currently have a dedicated check-in form feature, you can create forms using other tools (e.g. Google Forms, Jot Forms, Microsoft Forms, etc) and easily share these with clients.
Would you love to see a built-in check-in form feature? Ensure to add your vote here to stay updated on any progress and future releases!
How to Share Check-in Forms
Sharing check-in forms can be seamlessly integrated as part of your regular communication with clients through program auto-messages.
You can do so within the Master Program calendar or within an individual client's calendar:
1. Navigate to the Master Program or client's Calendar > click on a day > select Auto Messages from the drop-down
2. Next, give your message a title, set the delivery time and include your message along with a link to your check-in form.
3. After selecting Schedule, select Setup repeat option in the new window.
4. Choose the day of the week you want the check-in form to be sent and how often you would like this to repeat. For example, the form could be sent out on the 2nd day of each week for an 8-week program.
5. Click Apply and then Add to finalize the schedule. This message will now be scheduled and sent to clients via an in-app message on the set days.
Please note: Pre-scheduled auto messages will appear on your calendar, but they will not be visible to your client on their calendar.
Related Articles:
- How to Use and Setup Program Auto-Messages
- Troubleshooting - Why Didn't My Pre-Schedule Auto Message(s) Send to My Client?
- When to use a Master Program, Client's Program, and Multiple Programs