How to Bulk Assign Actions for Clients

Managing multiple clients can be challenging, but you can now easily assign actions to several clients at once! Whether you need to assign a Master Habit, add clients to a Group, subscribe them to a Master Program, or add clients to a challenge, the bulk assign feature in the Clients tab is a quick and easy way to manage your client's accounts from a glance! 


Steps to Bulk Assign Actions from the Client List 

1. Log onto your ABC Trainerize web account.

2. Navigate to the Clients tab from the left-hand menu.

3. Select Clients:

  • To select specific clients, check the box next to each client's name in your list.
  • To select all clients on the current page, select the check box within the client menu.
  • To select all clients, including those on other pages, click the Select all items option as shown below:
Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 3.05.09 PM.png


4. From the three-dot icon, choose the action you want to apply to all selected clients. Actions that you can bulk assign include: adding clients to a group, adding clients to a challenge, adding a habit, subscribing clients to a Master Program, changing client meal trackers, etc.

Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 3.09.06 PM.png


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