Adding Your Tax Information on ABC Trainerize

This article will guide you through the process of entering your Business Tax ID (sometimes called VAT or GST) when purchasing a subscription plan as well as updating your tax information within your ABC Trainerize web account. We have also provided a comprehensive table of tax ID formats for various countries to help you ensure the correct input.


Entering Business Tax Information Upon Subscription Payment

When purchasing a subscription plan, you have the option to enter your tax information on the billing information checkout screen. This includes your Business Name and Business Tax ID. Entering your Business Tax ID ensures secure and accurate filing. Please verify your tax information details with your country's tax ID guidelines. See the formatting table below for further details.


Updating Tax Information in Your Account

You can update your business Tax ID with the Billing section of your ABC Trainerize web account. Follow the below steps to do so:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Billing.
  2. Scroll down to the section titled Tax Information.
  3. Click the blue Change button to update your Business Tax ID information. 

To update your Business Name under this section, please contact our support team. 

Business Tax ID (VAT/GST) Number Formatting

Each country has a slightly different format for its VAT/GST numbering system, featuring a variation of numbers and letters. It’s important to ensure that the formatting you enter is correct.

Below is a summary of the standard formats for Tax IDs based on country:

Country Country Code Format Characters
Australia AU 11 123 456 789 11 characters
Canada CA 123456789 RT0001 15 characters
UK GB 123 4567 89 9 characters
USA US 12-3456789 9 characters
Austria AT U12345678 9 characters. U is always the first character
Belgium BE 0123456789 10 characters. First character must be 0
Bulgaria BG 123456789, 1234567890 9 or 10 characters
Croatia HR 12345678901 11 characters
Cyprus CY 12345678X 9 characters. Last character must be a letter
Czech Republic CZ 12345678, 123456789, 1234567890 8, 9, or 10 characters
Denmark DK 12345678 8 characters
Estonia EE 123456789 9 characters
Finland FI 12345678 8 characters
France FR 12345678901, X1234567890, 1X123456789, XX123456789 11 characters. May include alphabetical characters (any except O and I) as first or second, or first and second characters
Germany DE 123456789 9 characters
Greece EL 123456789 9 characters
Hungary HU 12345678 8 characters
Ireland IE 1234567X, 1X23456X, 1234567XX 8 or 9 characters. Includes one or two alphabetical characters, last, second and last, or last two.
Italy IT 12345678901 11 characters
Latvia LV 12345678901 11 characters
Lithuania LT 123456789, 123456789012 9 or 12 characters
Luxembourg LU 12345678 8 characters
Malta MT 12345678 8 characters
Netherlands NL 123456789B01, 123456789B02 12 characters. The 10th character is always a B. 
Norway NO 12345678MVA 9 digits and the letters 'MVA' indicate VAT registration
Poland PL 1234567890 10 characters
Portugal PT 123456789 9 characters
Romania RO 1234567890 2-10 characters
Slovakia SK 1234567890 10 characters
Slovenia SI 12345678 8 characters
Spain ES X12345678, 12345678X, X1234567X 9 characters. Includes one or two alphabetical characters (first or last or first and last)
Sweden SE 123456789012 12 characters
Switzerland CHE 123.456.789 9 numbers plus MWST/TVA/IVA


Please refer to your country’s tax authority for precise formatting guidelines.


This article was last updated on

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