How to Connect Your Website and Social Media to ABC Trainerize

As a Trainer, you can connect your website and social media accounts to your ABC Trainerize account. These links will appear as icons on your client's mobile app as well as your profile! 


To connect your website and social media accounts:

  1. Login to your Trainerize web account.
  2. Click on Settings from the left-hand menu.
  3. From the Settings menu, click on About.
  4. Scroll down to 'Website and Social Media' and click on the blue Edit button.
  5. Add your social media page links to the appropriate section.
  6. Click Save.

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In addition to your website, you can connect the following social media accounts:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Blog

Your website and social networks will now appear as icons on your client's mobile app and your profile. Your blog, however, will not appear as an icon on your client's mobile app (only on your profile). 

Please note: the website link must be an actual website. Web links such as Google Documents will not work.


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For more information on setting up your profile, visit: How do I fill out my profile?

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