There is a pre-formatted client consultation form that you can send to a client "as is" or you can edit the form with your own specific questions.
To customize the consultation form:
- Login to your ABC Trainerize web account
- Navigate to Settings > Consultation Form
From here, you can adjust the questions as needed. Make sure to maintain the structure of the code.
When you make changes ensure that you click "Save" or "Save And Launch Preview" to have your changes take effect.
The following are the types of questions and formats you can use:
Adding a paragraph of text
Copy and paste the following bit of code, (ensure that you copy all brackets) and replace with your text (only change what is between the single quotes i.e., 'Try your best to answer these questions as honestly as possible' - in this example you would change only what is in RED and do not delete the single quotes)
[p text ='Try your best to answer these questions as honestly as possible']
You can add as many paragraphs of text as you like to the consultation form by adding multiple "p text" code bits.
Adding a new question to the form with a pick-list/dropdown menu of selections - (this will give you a dropdown menu)
Copy and paste the following bit of code, (ensure that you copy all brackets) and replace with your own question and pick-list selections (only change what is between the single quotes i.e., 'Rate your overall activity level?' - in this example you would change only what is in RED and do not delete the single quotes)
[dropdown text='Rate your overall activity level?']
[value text='--None--']
[value text='Sedentary']
[value text='Moderately Active']
[value text='Active']
[value text='Very Active']
If you wish to add another option as an answer to the pick-list, simply add [value text='New Answer'] - ensure that you put this between the opening [dropdown] and the closing [/dropdown] (replace New Answer with the answer you wish to provide)
Adding a new question to the form with a text area for client input - (this will give you an open text area)
Copy and paste the following bit of code, and replace what is in RED with your question. (only change what is between the single quotes ie: 'What exercises if any do you currently perform?' - in this example you would change only what is in RED and do not delete the single quotes)
[textarea text='What exercises if any do you currently perform?']
Adding a new question to the form with a list of checkboxes for client input - (this will give you a list of checkboxes)
Copy and paste the following bit of code, and replace what is in RED with your question. (only change what is between the single quotes ie: 'On which days are you available to work out?' - in this example you would change only what is in RED and do not delete the single quotes)
[listbox text='On which days are you available to work out?']
[value text='Sunday']
[value text='Monday']
[value text='Tuesday']
[value text='Wednesday']
[value text='Thursday']
[value text='Friday']
[value text='Saturday']
If you wish to add another option as an answer list of checkboxes, simply add [value text='New Answer'] - ensure that you put this between the opening [listbox] and the closing [/listbox] (replace New Answer with the answer you wish to provide)
Making a question required
If you wish to make a specific question required, you will need to add an extra tag to your questions. By default, responses are not required.
To mark a question as required, add required='true'
[listbox text='On which days are you available to work out?' required='true']
[value text='Sunday']
[value text='Monday']
[value text='Tuesday']
[value text='Wednesday']
[value text='Thursday']
[value text='Friday']
[value text='Saturday']
To mark a question as not required, add required='false'
[dropdown text='Rate your overall activity level?' required='false']
[value text='--None--']
[value text='Sedentary']
[value text='Moderately Active']
[value text='Active']
[value text='Very Active']