Video calls have the potential to completely change the way you train and connect with your clients. From initial consultations to 1-on-1 coaching sessions, you can use video calls to unlock your clients’ full potential and help them reach their goals. But before that can happen, you’ll need to get the word out about your video calling options!
Of course, putting up a banner on your website or social media pages that says, “I offer video call sessions!” probably won’t be enough. Instead, you’ll need to put on your creative marketing hat and find a way to tell the world why they should pay for a video call with you.
Value-based marketing
Allow us to introduce you to what’s known in the industry as “value-based marketing”. Unlike feature-based marketing, which focuses on the “what”, value-based marketing focuses on the “why”: why someone would benefit from your products or services, why you’re different from your competitors, why your video calls are going to help them get results, etc.
This “start with why” approach appeals to potential customers because you’re not just trying to grab their attention with flashy gimmicks or sleek packaging. Instead, you’re addressing their wants and needs directly, building trust in you and your business, and helping them move through the sales process by telling them the benefits they’ll receive from your products or services.
Features vs. benefits: focusing on the “why”
To get a better sense of how this might work, let’s take a look at an example of value-based marketing.
Imagine you are starting an online fitness business and you’re putting together the products you want to sell. You’ve created most of your products and just have 1 more to go: a video call session pack. You’ve laid out your monetization strategy and decided to create this as an add-on that you hope your clients will purchase in addition to their main training products.
You need to write the product description, which you know will appear publicly on your page and will play a critical role in attracting and converting new clients.
Here’s what you have so far:
Add-on: Video Call Session Pack (10 Sessions)
This add-on includes 10 1-on-1 video call sessions (60 minutes each). Sessions can be used for progress checks, goal setting, personalized guidance, or guided coaching.
Pretty bleak. Sure, you’ve laid out what the product includes (its features), but you haven’t told your clients why they should buy it.
If we apply a little value-based marketing magic, this description could become something more like:
Add-on: Video Call Session Pack (10 Sessions)
Get the accountability and personalized support you need to stick to your training and achieve your goals. Connect with me through 1-on-1 video calls for progress checks, goal setting sessions, guided workouts, and more.
Includes 10 one-on-one video call sessions (60 minutes each).
With just a few minor changes, the description now goes beyond just the product features to communicate why a client would benefit from adding this add-on to their training. It appeals to the challenges that face many if not all clients and it highlights the values of accountability, personalization, and connection.
Top tools and tactics
Because value-based marketing is an approach rather than a specific tactic, you can apply it to all your marketing efforts and across all your marketing channels.
Let’s go through some of the top tools and tactics you can use to market your video calls:
Product descriptions
With the above example fresh in our minds, let’s start with updating all your product descriptions to adopt a value-based marketing approach.
As you write the descriptions, remember to think about the why over the what. Your goal should be that any clients reading the blurb can quickly identify the benefits of this product and, if possible, it should strike a chord with them on a personal or emotional level.
For example:
- Regular video calls provided the motivation and accountability you need to stay on track.
- 1-on-1 video calls let your trainer give you custom-tailored feedback and guidance to help you achieve your goals as quickly as possible.
- Doing your workouts through 1-on-1 video calls means your trainer can keep an eye on your form, help you with modifications when needed, and push you to hit those personal bests each and every time.
- Built-in video calls turn your trainer into your workout buddy, holding you accountable and making your training sessions fun.
Whether you’re using Trainerize’s built-in payment features or another platform to power your sales, product descriptions are one of the easiest ways to start spreading the news about your video call offerings. And because they play a pivotal role in the sales and conversion process, for such small chunks of text, they can have a big impact.
Website content and SEO
Once you’ve got your video products built—complete with value-based descriptions, of course—make sure to update the rest of your website to highlight video calls as an element of your training services.
This will help increase the chances of your page appearing in search results whenever someone is looking for coaching services with video call options and will help site visitors discover the full range of services you offer.
There is a lot to learn about search engine optimization (SEO) but here are some basics you can apply quickly while you add your video call content:
- Add keywords (related to your video calls) to your page copy and headlines where appropriate
- Keep your web copy concise, easy to read, and error-free.
- Make the most of your website’s metadata, including keywords in image names and alt text, and page descriptions
- Include links to high-quality websites and resources
- Make your website easy to navigate
If the SEO benefits weren’t enough, as an online coach especially, adding video calls to your website can help convince site visitors to give you a try.
Highlighting parts of your coaching that offer personalization and human connection can help you convert clients who might otherwise be hesitant to train with you digitally. And for all your potential clients, it will help paint a clearer picture of your unique training methodology and the experience they can expect if they sign up.
Social media posts
Most of the people who engage with your social media content are your followers, so they’re already aware of who you are, what you do, and what services you offer. But if you’re adding video calling to your business, this is a great opportunity to tell your existing base all about it and see if you can get some new clients or upsells out of it.
Since you’re marketing a video-based offering we recommend you use (you guessed it) video as much as possible!
Consider recording a short video post to share across all your social media channels. In it, explain how your training services include video calls where you work 1-on-1 with your clients and offering them direct and personalized guidance.
If you have some video editing skills, you could also record some snippets from real video calls with your clients and interlace them with your marketing pitch to really show your clients what video calls with you are like.
By using video to marketing video, potential clients will get to see your personality and hopefully start imagining themselves hopping on a call with you.
For more ideas on how to use social media to market your video calls, check out these great resources:
- The Ultimate Guide to Instagram Marketing for Fitness Professionals
- The Ultimate Guide to TikTok for Fitness Professionals
- 5 Ways to Use Facebook to Promote Your Fitness Business
And remember, all social media tactics should include a clear call-to-action: either signing up for a free trial or purchasing a plan. If you’re directing people to a link or to the app, make sure you’re tracking your links so you know where traffic is coming from!
Don’t let anyone tell you that email marketing is dead. Sending emails to your contacts is an amazing way to promote your video call sessions.
Draft up a handful of emails with the right value-based messaging and you’ll be well on your way to picking up some new clients and upselling a few more.
Here are a few segments of your audience who you may want to target with your emails and some tips on what to include in the messaging:
Your existing clients
Since they’re already training with you, you’ll want to go with an upsell play here. Focus on the idea of enhancing their pre-existing training by giving them more personalized feedback and increased accountability and motivation, which can help them stick to their programs and achieve their goals faster.
If you time this email right (for example, around holidays or times of greater temptation like the summer) you could use a “let me be your accountability partner” or “stay on track” angle.
Your leads
Because these are individuals who showed interest in your products and services but haven’t yet converted into paying clients yet, your emails to them should focus on your training programs as a whole but with a spotlight on the video call element.
If you’ve added a new premium product option or restructured your pricing model/product tiers, these emails are a great chance to pique your prospective clients’ interest once more. Tell them what’s new, why they’re going to love it, and what benefits they can expect to get.
You might also consider including a special offer of some kind to sweeten the deal and incentivize them to make a purchase.
Your past clients
Just because they’ve churned out of your business and are no longer training with you, doesn’t mean you should overlook your past clients. Clients leave for all sorts of reasons and every time you enhance your services, create a new product, or grow your business in some way, it’s a new opportunity to re-engage your past clients and convince them to come back.
Focus your messaging on what’s new and improved and why these video calls will benefit them. If possible, use video calls to address the common reasons why clients quit training, for example not enough personalization, running out of motivation, feeling like they’re “alone”, etc.
Like with your leads, you may also want to use a special offer with your past clients. Since they’re familiar with your offerings already, you could keep the offer focused on video calls. For instance, offer past clients 3 free video calls if they purchase a product.
TZ Tip: To really make your emails impactful, consider sending them as targeted campaigns.
Exactly as their name suggests, targeted campaigns are when you market to a specific group of people who meet a very specific set of criteria. This might include contacts who have a higher need or interest in your products and services or those who are at a higher risk of canceling their training.
Here are some examples of segments you could use to create targeted email campaigns:
- Clients you are currently training who are struggling to stay on track and stick to their training (missing workouts, not responding to messages, etc.)
- Leads who have engaged with your marketing in multiple ways and seem especially interested in your services (e.g., leads who have subscribed to your blog, signed up for a free trial, and downloaded a free resource from you)
Social proof
Finally, while value-based marketing can be highly effective, especially when stacked against feature-based marketing, its power can be amplified by pairing it with real examples of clients benefiting from your products and services.
By using testimonials, case studies, or other forms of social proof, you’ll be able to show potential customers that your products and services live up to the claims you’ve made about their value. This not only hammers home the benefits of buying from you but helps to build consumer trust at the same time. It’s a win-win no matter how you slice it.
Related Articles
- Step-by-step guide to setting up a video call session in Trainerize
- How to charge for your 1-1 video call sessions
- How to market your 1-1 video call sessions
- How to include video call sessions in your clients' programs
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