How to set up Skype and Trainerize for delivering online workouts and PT sessions

This article walks you through the step-by-step set up of Skype and Trainerize for online workouts, online PT sessions and streaming workouts with your clients.

Please note that only trainers can initiate a Skype call, clients are not enabled to do so.


In this article:


What you'll need:

  • Laptop with a webcam or your phone
  • A Skype account (The Free Skype account/ Skype for Business paid account)
  • Mic or headset (Optional)
  • Tripod, stand for laptop (Optional)
  • Space to record in your home (4-10ft)
  • Trainerize account for managing clients and groups messaging and engagement

Before you begin - Setting up Skype (trainer and client instructions)



1. Download Skype on your phone or computer and log in.
2. Set your Skype ID inside your Trainerize account.

  • Click on your name in the top right-hand side > My Account > Profile.
  • Press Edit and update your Skype ID.
  • Press Save.




3. Have your clients add their Skype accounts in their profile.

  • They can do this on the mobile app phone by tapping on the "..." menu in the bottom right-hand side.
  • Tapping "My Profile"
  • On the next screen, tapping "Edit" > Adding their Skype ID > tapping save "Save".

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Delivering an Online PT Session with Skype by Calling a Client(Video/Audio)

1. In Trainerize (web or mobile), navigate to Clients and select the client you want to run an online PT session with through Skype.

2. Open your client's profile and click on the Skype icon. This will automatically initiate a Skype call through your Skype application on the laptop or mobile.



Delivering an Online PT Session with Skype by sharing a meeting link


1. Go to Skype and Click: The "New Chat" Pencil icon in the top right-hand corner.


2. Click on "Meet Now" then press "Continue".


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3. This will prompt the Skype app to create a meeting link that you can share with anyone even if they aren't on Skype (no account needed to join the call). Once you are in the meeting, click on "Share invite".




4. Copy your meeting URL by clicking on "Copy URL":



Your meeting URL will look something like this:


5.  In Trainerize, navigate to Messages and paste the Skype meeting URL in a client chat.

This will generate a preview that clients can click at the time of their PT session to join right away.


Delivering a Group PT Session

1. Follow steps 1 to 3 above for setting up a Skype meeting and copying the meeting URL.

2. In Trainerize, navigate to Groups and paste the Skype meeting URL in the group chat. This will generate a preview that clients can click at the time of their Group PT session to join right away.




Delivering an At-Home Class or Workout Online

You can deliver a longer class or workout either live or by recording it in advance and then including it in a workout for your clients.

1. Record your fitness class at-home workout and include in your client's program.

Follow the steps below:

a. Create a new custom Exercise with your recorded class

b. Upload it to YouTube and import it to Trainerize

c. Create a new workout and include this new exercise

d. Share workout with your clients. You can do this in a couple of ways:

2. Once it's included your clients will see this in their Trainerize app.

Clients can pick the class by tapping on "+" and starting any Workout.

 Get more tips and ideas on how to create a library of at-home Fitness/Yoga/Studio Clases for your gym members and PT clients.


Tips for Creating At-Home Workouts

  • Don't stress about the quality, your clients need a solution and they want to train with you!
  • Practice your class in front of the camera before doing a zoom meeting.
  • Check sound, lighting and be mindful of time once you start the class
  • Look at the screen and smile for your clients as you train
  • If you want to use music, keep it to a background sound level as it might disrupt the audio and your voice
  • With regards to equipment, adapt your at-home classes or workouts to equipment your clients have at home. Think of workouts for no equipment, minimal equipment, resistance bands, TRX, or basic free weights. You can create various workouts for these scenarios.
  • You can also be creative and recommend equipment substitutions like books for stepper, stairs, backpack instead of kettlebells, jugs of water instead of dumbells.
  • Get more tips here: The “Everything You Need to Know Guide” to Filming On-demand and Live Workouts

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