What was the site designer?
Site designer (Trainerize v1) was a great way of providing trainers and studio owners with a quick and easy way of having a website. While the site designer definitely had value, the limitations are steadily outpacing the value trainers were receiving. It was not customizable enough to build a full website, but too complex for most trainers to quickly use to sell their services.
What will replace the site designer?
Trainerize.me is the replacement of the site designer. Trainerize.me is a simple, out of the box profile page that trainers can quickly use to advertise themselves and have clients pay for products. All this with no configurations required.
Trainerize.me is built to be mobile-friendly, allowing your profile to be beautifully presented on a mobile phone, tablet, or computer. It reads from your Trainerize in-app profile and there's no configurations necessary.
Your profile also allows any products you build within Trainerize to be published there for clients to self-serve and purchase it.
Your profile is search engine optimized. You can publish articles onto your Trainerize.me profile to drive traffic to your page.
Here's how to get started with your Trainerize.me Profile:
Benefits of using Trainerize.me
Trainerize.me is built to be mobile-friendly, allowing your profile to be beautifully presented on a mobile phone, tablet, or computer. It gets information from your Trainerize in-app profile and there's no need to configure anything.
Your profile also allows any products and training packages you build within Trainerize to be shared there for clients to self-serve and purchase it.
Your profile is search engine optimized. You can publish articles onto your Trainerize.me profile to drive traffic to your page as well as for potential clients to discover your and make a purchase. Offering value/free content will entice potential clients and share your training style so they get to know you better and more likely to purchase.
Very easy to create, don’t have to be a web designer! Simply fill out the “Profile” tab on your end but behind the scenes we’re building out a beautiful web page for you
The Photo feed can also be used for testimonials. You could type them up/create some nice graphics for them.
Trainerize.me also acts like a search engine for trainers, get listed! There is no harm in keeping your profile updated, so potential clients can find you and reach you and build credibility in the industry when people are searching your name.
Retirement on January 14, 2022
The site designer will be retired permanently on December 31, 2021. We advise businesses to begin looking for a replacement.
Please note that the option to map the site designer to a custom domain will also be retired. You can continue to use your own trainerize.com domain. (ie. businessname.trainerize.com).
For a fully customizable, drag-and-drop website builder, we recommend:
- Wix
- Shopify
- Wordpress
- Squarespace
- Clickfunnels
For a simplified landing page:
- Trainerize.me
- Facebook Business Pages
- Instagram Business Profiles
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