You can control the notifications that you (the trainer) receive from ABC Trainerize and which messages clients are automatically sent. By adjusting your Notification settings, you control which types of in-app notifications and/or emails you receive. By adjusting Auto Messages and Events, you control which types of messages are being delivered to clients.
See our related help article for further customization instructions: How to Edit Site-Wide Auto-Messages
In this article:
- Adjusting General Notification Settings
- Adjusting Email Summary Notifications
- Adjusting Client Auto Messages and Events Settings
Adjusting General Notification Settings
- Login to your Trainerize web account
- Click on My Account in the upper right-hand corner after selecting your profile photo icon
- From the My Account menu, click on the Notifications tab
- Scroll down to the 'General Notifications' section
For each general notification setting, you have the option to choose between no notification, in-app notifications only, or in-app and email notifications.
Adjusting Email Summary Notifications
Scrolling down further in the Notifications tab, you will see the 'Email Summaries' section. You can adjust which email summaries you receive for the following:
- Daily client summary: A daily snapshot of your client's activities. Daily summary emails are sent the following day between 1:00am and 6:00am local time.
- Weekly client needing attention summary: A weekly list of clients that need attention
- Product updates and business growth resources: Stay updated with our latest upgrades and features, fitness business resources and special offers.
To receive emails from each category, check the box. To stop receiving emails, uncheck the box, then click "Save".
Adjusting Client Auto Messages and Events Settings
- Login to your Trainerize web account
- Click on Settings in the bottom left-hand corner
- Under the Advanced Business section, select Auto Messages and Events
Within the 'Auto Messages and Events' tab, you can decide whether you want clients to be sent emails and in-app messages for the following:
When a new client is added:
- Send Customized Welcome Email: This is optional and can automatically send out a fully customized welcome email with the option of attaching PDF documents (up to 4 PDF documents can be attached (suggested use: PARQ, waivers etc.). Please note: the maximum file size for the attachments is 3 MB.
When a client clicks the setup link in the invitation e-mail:
- Send Consultation Form: This electronic form helps you gather workout habits, experience and other questions not covered in a PARQ form. Answers are saved in the consultation section of a client's profile.
Automated In-app Messages:
By default, these emails are set to "On" with pre-written messages. To stop sending these messages, set the switch option to "Off". To customize these messages, select "Customize".
Below is a preview of the default in-app messages sent to clients:
On first sign-in:
Hi {firstName},
Congrats on setting up your account! Have a look at your training program. You'll be notified each time I update it.
Come here to access your messages and reach me anytime!
3rd day after first sign-in:
Just wanted to check in and see if you have connected your favorite apps like Fitbit, MyFitnessPal, Withings, and Facebook? You can find these in your Settings.
Let me know if you have questions!
7th day after first sign in:
Just wanted to check in to see how you're finding your workouts. Let me know if you're having any issues!
14th day after first sign in:
Hope you're enjoying your workouts! Let me know if you want to change anything, or if you don't understand any of the exercises. Leave me a note in the workout, or message me here.
Client completes first milestone workout:
Congrats {firstName} on your first workout! How did it go?
Keep up the good work!
Client completes first milestone cardio activity:
Hey {firstName}, nice work on achieving your first activity milestone!
You're off to a great start. Keep it up!
Client tracks first meal:
Keep up with logging your meals! I'll be checking in from time to time to see how you're doing with your calorie and macro intake.
Client's birthday:
Happy birthday {firstName}! :)